Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I cannot help but shake in fear

This is an excerpt of a History Essay from a student in St. Francis Instituition.
40 years ago, SFI would have been a premier school, however changing demographics, educational policies that do not favour Catholic runned missionary schools and a politicized educational system has forced these schools to be nothing but a dumping ground for rejects. Click here to view full pic

I am a proud LaSallian, and I suggest we take back our heritage
If you can't read, here's the full transcript

Setelah Agama Islam dipupoh Pengarut Agama Islam mengenal sistem tenaga nasional. Iaitu sebuah penjana kuasa elektrik yang memberikan masyarakat Melayu lampu. Dengan adanya cahaya dari lampu, masyarakat Melayu tidak akan hidup dalam kegelapan. Pertahuan seperti zina, riba, judi dan sebagainya tidak dilakukan lagi kerana mereka malu adanya tiang lampu di merata rata yang menyalah tingkah lalu mereka. In English, they are too shy to do tat stuff in the light. Scared people see ma. Stupid.
Mereka akhirnya dapat belajar kerana menpunyai lampu meja dan ini menjadikan mereka bijak. Mula mula mereka mengambil UPSR kemudian PMR, SPM dan akhrinya STPM. Banyak telah pergi ke Universiti cahaya langgit kerana di sana terdapat lampu untuk pelajaran mereka.
Perempuan tidak lagi di pandang hina kerana setelah ada cahaya, men felt shy because their body part are different. 1 bolt 1 nut. Really tiu lo. Adanya elektrik, mereka tengok filem cerita pokemon dan digimon.

Akhirnya mereka berjaya membina buah ampangan yang besar dengan jentera yang berkuasa tinggi.

Ajaran Shinto pula datang dari Tom Cruise. Dia ini seorang askar, generallah dunno not pangkatlah. 4get liau. Dia mahu kill all the stupid Japanese because they samurai all so lazy stuff. Tetapi kena tangkap dan diberi fahaman samurai. Selepas dilepaskan dia tak mau balik pula kerana ada anak cantik ma. Lepas itu dia pun fang kuat chai lo. His people went to kill him pun tak jadi. Ini telah tersebabnya Shinto

Agama confucius ini memang "confusing" entah bila masa mau makan dan entah bila masa bertapa...

I love this parable, I mean it. It's a parable.
Don't treat this piece as a joke or a curse...
Though I amuse myself of it, it scares me of the quality of our students in schools.
I hope the teachers are doing their job not just to get paid and leave this children in desperation. They need help and for whatever reasons, perseverance and passions must subsist; determination must persist and the children must not be abandoned to be left to decay.


Crankster said...

That is one confused individual. It's made the rounds in my email a number of times and I still laugh everytime.

The good part is, the dude actually thinks, which is rare for most Malaysians!! He's confused but he's been thinking. :)

Don't mess with Tenaga Nasional, it's played its part in the Dark Ages, ya know.. ;-)

Crankster said...

Dengan adanya cahaya dari lampu, masyarakat Melayu tidak akan hidup dalam kegelapan. Pertahuan seperti zina, riba, judi dan sebagainya tidak dilakukan lagi kerana mereka malu adanya tiang lampu di merata rata yang menyalah tingkah lalu mereka.


stupidmalaysia said...

Sometimes I think he does it on purpose.

I would have handed it in a blank answer script.

Crankster said...

Well, he certainly doesn't take himself OR the subject seriously, but the way he's connected the events is ingenius!

Our National Energy Grid having something to do with enlightenment is umm... quite an interesting concept. :)