Monday, January 21, 2008

A new Economic Agenda

..Indeed, as of 2005, Malaysia lived down to its empty slogan of Malaysia Boleh by
setting yet another record, this time for having the worst income disparity gaps
in Southeast Asia, behind even Indonesia and Thailand, as measured by its GINI
coefficient of 0.47. According to the World Bank, individual inequality in Malaysia as
measured by the GINI coefficient is the second worst in all of the Asian countries for
which data is available. Only Papua New Guinea ranks worse.

..The ongoing quest to protect the status quo and special Bumiputera business
privileges has created an opaque environment that does not sit well with international
investors demanding transparency and efficiency. Malaysia’s tender system that
is weighed in favour of affirmative action rather than meritocracy creates a noncompetitive
environment for business, and opens the door for corruption, which has
become pervasive in all sectors of society.
Read full article here
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Highest proportion of Government expenditure, coupled with lowest GDP growth.
To borrow from my mathematics course..What is the corollary ?
1. Inefficient use of funds ?
2. Entrepreneurial spirit shackled ?
3. Rampant leakages (corruption) ?

Think about it.

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