Friday, March 14, 2008

Malay rights

Much has been talked and debated openly about Malay rights and the NEP.
To a certain extent we are treading on new grounds here.

Debates are healthy and in an almost newly found democracy like Malaysia (as of March 8). This change towards open debate and public clarifications is sometimes unerving to some.

I definitely prefer a healthy debate over issues coupled with opinions and feedbacks.
I certainly do not long for the old BN days where everything would have been decided for us. Shoved down our throats, just because the political parties think they know better and think they should do all the thinking for all of us, and we small-minded imbeciles have to be protected from issues of the state and decisions and policies that affect us all.

This pertinent culture and mindset that a ruling political party is all-knowing has been the cause of much mismanagement, cronyism, and breeds an environment of extreme secrecy coupled with a cloak-and-dagger-like management of the country.

How many nations has risen to be great with this pertinent mindset ?
Zimbabwe, North Korea, Cuba, Burma ?
Compare that with the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Canada, New Zealand.
Surely a no-brainer to point out the better ones and the ones where feedbacks and open discussions features in most matters of the state.

I would like to produce an excellent article written by Dr. Syed Alwi, regarding Malay Rights and Malay Responsibility

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