Monday, July 7, 2008

Where we stand and where are we headed.

Notwithstanding the current political turmoil which has unearth quite a few pieces of dirty linen.
This is an excerpt on how we are perceived by a foreign fund manager.

You will have near-term recovery in the index with the election behind us," said David Riedel, president of Riedel Research Group.
Although there are attractive opportunities to invest in individual companies in Malaysia, Riedel is worried about the overall strength of the economy and the stock index.
"One of my concerns about Malaysia is where it's positioned in the global economy in the next 10 or 15 years," Riedel said. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the Asian tigers, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, were high-growth economies driven by exports and that rewarded greatly equity investors.
"Now that China has established itself so firmly as the manufacturing engine for the rest of the world, I worry what some of these countries or economies are going to do to differentiate themselves," Riedel said.
Malaysia is neither the cheapest manufacturing option nor the most sophisticated, and as a result the country is in a difficult position, he said.

Read full report here

We all know where we are headed. We all know the challenges ahead.
Nobody gives a shit about Ketuanan Melayu, Ketuanan Cina, Hindraf, or whether Mahathir is right or Ian Chin is right.

The country now requires almost every possible arsenal it can muster to survive in the current economic climate and to carve a niche for itself.

We need Rule of Law, an Independent Judiciary, Incorruptible Civil Service, Clean and Efficient Government and most of all a high-valued Intelligent, Knowledge-based workforce.

Do you think your Government has really sat down and ponder about our survival as a nation ?
After all, the PM has a residence in Perth and a sailing yacht in Turkey.

Interesting statement here :
Malaysia's main exports are electronic equipment, petroleum and liquefied natural gas, wood products, rubber and palm oil.

After 20 years of Mahathir mega-projects and billions of ringgit, lofty concepts, Multimedia Supercorridor. Alas, we are still an exporter of Petroleum, LNG, Wood Products and Palm Oil.
I don't even see a word that hardly resembles anything that 20 years of Mahathir's Regime brought upon. Where is "Steel" (read Perwaja) Where is "Automobiles" (read Proton) How about "Software" (read MSC)

Same old stuff I had in my Ilmu Alam textbook from Darjah Enam.

What have we achieved ? Are we better off after 20 years of Mahathirism ? Who got rich in those 20 years ? Where are they now ? How has he benefited our generation, how else will our children suffer and pay for our follies.

1 comment:

Crankster said...

The government is screwing opportunities for itself and the people.

Our prospects look so bright we may need to invest in a pair of sunglasses.