Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Michael Backman again

Michael Backman is not only an eloquent writer. His views would usually shine a light right through the thickest fog, especially on Malaysia.

Of course the truth hurts and Malaysia is not exactly utopia. Far from it.
This is his latest article, extremely very pertinent points and some very basic question raised.

Michael Backman

Ethnic rivalry in Malaysia usually is portrayed as rivalry between the majority Malay population and the large Chinese minority. But sandwiched between the two are Malaysia's Indians. They make up about 2 million or 8% of the population but according to some estimates they account for around 2% of the nation's corporate wealth. This disparity is leading to rising tensions from a group that the authorities normally take for granted.

The Indian community is split into Muslims and Hindus. The Muslims, known locally as the 'Mamak', tend to blend more easily with the dominant Malays - both being Muslim means that intermarriage is not uncommon. (Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad is the product of such a union.) The Hindus on the other hand are far more marginalised. Politically weak and disorganised, they tend to be largely ignored by the government.

Original post here and here

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