Monday, November 12, 2007

Simply atrocious, Res ipsa loquitur

Res ipsa loquitor - the thing speaks for itself. It signifies that further details are unnecessary; the proof of the case is self-evident.

Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin cannot string a sentence in proper English to save his life.

On the topic of democracy and freedom of expression, the Minister continuosly cuts and buts in on the interviewer. In no way was she allowed to string a coherent sentence.
Res ipsa loquitor - it speaks for itself, if there's no freedom of expression in Malaysia, it definitely is. Even interviews cannot be conducted in a civilised manner, the Minister lacks any substance nothing except constantly butting, shutting up the interviewer and drowning every other question in unintelligent rhetoric.

Yes, this is the Information Minister of Malaysia, and why are the opposition crying out for avenues for expression, minority voices to be heard and better democratic processes ?
res ipsa loquitor.

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