Monday, January 15, 2007

Are we a sovereign nation ? Or a private pawn for USD50 billion loan

Are we a sovereign nation ?
Or just a pawn for USD50 billion.
What ails patriotism ? There is none in Malaysia, it is as corrupt as it gets and for the sake of the nation, I pray this is a mere urban legend cum hoax

"On 15 June 2006, Reezal Merican Naina Merican wrote a letter to Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani, the Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. The letter is about an amount of USD50 billion required by Malaysia to fund its national development. In case you may have forgotten, Malaysia recently launched its Ninth Malaysia Plan or Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK9). The RMK9, which runs from 2006 to 2010, is going to cost the nation RM200 billion. What many do not know, however, is that Malaysia does not actually have the money to finance the RM200 billion RMK9."

"The USD50 billion is being procured from 25 prime banks but will be channelled through a private limited company, Asasatu Technology Sdn Bhd. The name Ir. Hj Zubir bin Hj Ahmad is mentioned in that letter as the Managing Director of the company. It appears that the USD50 billion will be channelled through a private limited company and not directly to the Malaysian government. This would mean, officially, Malaysia is not borrowing any money. The money is being borrowed by a private limited company."

"What is even more interesting is that the agent who will arrange the financing is named in that letter as Union Financial Services Corporation of Sydney, Australia, and the address is listed as PO Box A2286. So there is no way of confirming whether this company is just a ‘PO Box’ company or a legitimate fund manager. Considering that we are talking about Malaysia’s funding requirement for the five years until 2010, this makes it very dicey indeed. In a way, this USD50 billion is going to be Malaysia’s lifeline and the whole matter is being handled through a PO Box in Australia and a private limited company in Malaysia in the process of being wound up. Two weeks earlier to that 15 June 2006 letter, on 30 May 2006, Asasatu Technology Sdn Bhd had written Abdullah Ahmad Badawi a letter offering the USD50 billion and mentioning in that letter that their partner is Union Financial Services Corporation. The letter was signed by Ir. Hj Zubir bin Hj Ahmad. A person by the name of Roland Bleyer is also mentioned as the President of Union Financial Services Corporation. Reezal Merican’s 15 June 2006 letter is in response to this letter of 30 May 2006. "

"Reading the three letters together, it is clear that Bank Negara has agreed that a private limited company currently in the process of being wound up is to be used as a front to borrow USD50 billion and that this company will act as a front for the Malaysian government so that it will not be seen that Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion from overseas. Secondly, the whole package was brokered by a Singapore outfit, but so as not to reveal that Singapore is involved, lest fingers start pointing to the prime Minister’s son-in-law, they shall put the whole thing through an Australian PO Box that will front as the ‘partner’ for the Malaysian outfit."

Finally, it is clear that when the Malaysian government announced the RM200 billion RMK9 in Parliament, they did not have the money to finance it. However, not wanting it to appear like the country is borrowing interest-bearing US Dollars, plus is subject to currency fluctuations, to finance its development plans, they used a small private limited company as a front which again used an Australian PO Box company which in turn is backed by Singapore. In short, through many layers or levels of front companies and PO Box companies, Singapore is funding Malaysia’s development proudly touted as the Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan or RMK9.

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