Sunday, January 7, 2007

Do I have an axe to grind ?

I have only known one place called home, and it's this little strip of land mass which forms a small conduit between the East and the West.
A trading post, a melting pot of cultures, and a nation destined for great heights.


Benefactor of the English Westminster-styled system of Government, British administered Civil Service and a series of English-modeled public schools that dotted the West coast. Hardworking population, blessed with an abundance of natural resources, the tropical sunlight, fertile and arable land, warm seas

How does one ruin it all in 2 generations ?

1. Provide a system of political patronage for everything in society. From getting a street peddler license to lucrative government contracts for heavy steel industries
2. Encourage political patronage to fester with 'yes-men' and reward them with lucrative state contracts
3. At the same time, stomp out creative, industrious, intelligent, economically efficient community as these individuals/communities do not succumb to political patronage.
4. Continue to implement point (3) incessantly.
5. Continue to build your base of mindless zombies and parrots and encourage them to repeat point (3) and (4) down the food chain.
6. Imprison those who question anything on point (3) and (4)

7. Do everything you can to selfishly enrich yourselves, while keeping your zombies (5) lucidly oblivious.

It is said that officials during Mao's leadership were so terrified of persecution that they spent more time drafting praises for Mao's leadership and drumming up success stories.
"Due to the Chairman's brilliant policy, we have such an abundant harvest that even the rats that scrimp from the grain stores are as fat as pigs"

The rest is history as tens of millions of Chinese starved to death during the Cultural Revolution
I don't have an axe to grind - where Malaysia is headed is morally wrong, decadent and history has served us the consequences of such policies.

Millions may die because of this, pray I do not wish to bury my loved ones before their time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You say it all. Good work!